Laura Hoerath, Berlin

You know I really enjoyed the retreat and I am so thankful that that glow still continues to shine weeks and weeks later. And I guess that is, because you gave us the opportunity to experience the practise, instead of explaining it. To me, the retreat was the rarest of opportunities to get out of my head entirely. And my head was until then the one and only thing I used to work on stress. 

I don't know of any other place or situation outside of religious contexts, where this is possible.

And that is (one of ) the gift you gave: Through a simply structured day, just enough activity to have the feeling of being carried by the programm and not to worry of how to spend your time, I got to really calm down. I guess talking more about techniques etc. would have brought me back into my head, back to optimizing yourself, back to learning something to use it later to improve your life. But the way the week worked, the practise spoke for itself and I really enjoyed that you gave us so much time to practise.


Sonia Bem, Rota, Es


Dani Bell, Afghanistan