Milou Somers, Den Bosch

I have found Ellen’s retreat very valuable and personal. The approach of a video call beforehand and the possibility of doing the same afterwards is very personal and special. The way you paid attention to what was happening, the way of being present with the processes of each and everyone separately and with the whole dynamics in the group, I have found that very significant. Ellen just senses when to be present or when it is needed to check in on how someone is doing. The power of following your own intuition is very meaningful. Thanks a lot for this! 

It has definitely triggered something that I cannot put my finger on yet. Awareness of what I want to work on, but I also sense a start being made on being softer with myself and having more faith in myself. In a way I got some new energy. I would definitely recommend this retreat! And by the way: the food and Suryalila are also very great! - Milou Somers


Marieke, Amsterdam


Michael Walsh, Dublin